CoNsumer Alerts

Keeping your information secure is our priority, helping you avoid risks that can undermine your finances. 
Protect Yourself From Scams

Keeping your information secure is our priority, helping you avoid risks that can undermine your finances. Take steps early to protect yourself by never sharing personal information, monitoring your accounts regularly, reviewing free copies of your credit report annually, and ensuring your computer and smartphone are protected with up-to-date antivirus, anti-spyware and firewall programs. Think you may have accidentally divulged sensitive information or have been the victim of a scam? Contact us immediately as we have several measures we can enact to protect you and your accounts.

Social Security Scams
Phone Scams
Phishing Scams
Unemployment Benefits Scams
COVID-19 Scams
Online Sales Scams
Grow your money
Our high-yielding Money Market account makes your money work for you.